Thursday, 12 July 2007

Another Australian PF blogger.

I recently came across My Journey to Eliminate Debt, a blog run by Louise.

Louise uses her blog as a way of giving herself focus on eliminating her debt, in particular her mortgage. This is a very fantastic target to aim for. I came across her article about the medical issues that her dad is in and the tough decision she has to make in order to support him. I can relate to her as my family has suffered in similar circumstances. The stresses that the family had to bear is not only financial, but also emotional as well. Our mental health also took a battering.

I wish Louise all the best in her quest of eliminating her debt, and spending many days with her love ones.

It is also great to see that another Australian is also blogging away on personal finance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the good wishes and the write up. I love finding other Aussie blogs too. one day when i get organised I'll put up an Aussie blogroll.