Monday, 4 June 2007

Carnival of personal finance, #103

Guess what, the Carnival of Personal Finance is up at Cleverdude. There are plenty of personal finance resources and articles to read and think about.

Some of my favourites are
  1. Our Family's Money Savers. - Some relevant tips for a young family, actually for any family that is serious about saving money.
  2. The cost of not doing yard work. - This goes deeper than just having to worry about the creepy creatures in an unkept yard.
  3. The Joint Account - Some relevant advice on when to open a joint account with your significant other
  4. Lessons from “Think Like a Kid, Make Millions...” has some good advice on grabbing an opportunity and running with it.
Mike is kind enough to also include my entry on discount fuel vouchers. Get over to there and check out the 103rd edition of the Carnival, there is an enormous amount of personal financial information there, and the story is also quite a good read as well.

Good work, Mike!

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